Friday, July 10, 2009



Architecture in Berlin is design not seen everywhere in Miami. The Bundestag building has a dome that makes it the most visited parliament in all of Europe.

There are more modern looking buildings in Berlin than in Miami. This is perhaps because after the war Berlin had to be rebuilt. In Miami the Adrienne Arsht Center is a modern building with lines that attract attention. There are more buildings in Berlin with lines that attract attention.

People drink beer on trains and in the streets.

Berlin and perhaps all of Germany is a dog culture. I see more people with dogs in a month than I saw in Miami in one year. The culture is very different in Berlin than in Miami. People in

Miami and in other major U.S. cities are required to pick up after the dog. In Berlin owners are not required to

pick up after the dog and the streets reflect that.

Further differences in

culture are the number of sex

stores and in Amsterdam the abundance of coffee houses. Coffee houses are places to buy and smoke marijuana.

Space cakes, brownies and muffins with marijuana, are also sold. Sex stores can be found in the United States but not in abundance and with doors open.


Tourists Too

German advertising has for the most part German people in the image. Images of minorities in Berlin are present if you are looking for them. The advertisement below shows an ethnic person having a good time. This ad was found in an Italian clothing store.

Images of gay and lesbians would not be found in advertisements in the United States. There is a campaign in Berlin promoting tolerance. The advertisement shown below is of two guys kissing. There are also around the city ads of two women kissing. The United States is very conservative compared to Europe. For Berlin to show these ads shows a community willing to change and be open-minded. A gay and lesbian population is a minority.

In Amsterdam I learned that there are over 150 countries represented. People coming from all over the world want to eat comfort food at times when stress can get high. A little piece of home can make a tourist feel good and safe when not knowing the language does its sometime butt-kicking. The Mexican restaurant image is from Amsterdam as is the Argentinian restaurant image.

Tourists are a minority in any city they travel to. The video shows fellow tourist/students and the environment where we study.

Thursday, June 18, 2009



Images in advertisements in Berlin and the rest of the Europe are more suggestive versus the ads in the United States. I have never seen a woman next to a Panasonic electronic in the United States. I obtained the magazine in an electronics store similar to Best Buy. This ad may be found at bookstores in magazines imported from United Kingdom. Women with a seductive look are shown more in advertising in Europe than in the United States.

The words used are similar to words in the United States. However, I see more innuendo in Europe than in the United States. An example is shown above. 'Feel Hamburg' ?

Advertisements for dance clubs are in abundance in the United States. Especially in Miami dance club flyer seen show scantily clad women. Where did the trend start, Europe or United States, to show more skin or sexy poses?

This ad with a girl on the bicycle is easy on the eyes. She is wearing shorts and has a beautiful face and smile. There are models in the United States similar to this one, but it is my opinion models in Europe are more beautiful than models in the United States.

Monday, June 1, 2009


The time in Berlin I expect to be pleasant. The people I expect to have no sense of humour and not attempt to help me. I have heard people from Germany are not as courteous as some other countries. I was also told the Turkish population is t
olerated. Some people said the Turkish people in Berlin are better than the North African population in France. People from Turkey are hard workers and it complements Germany's work ethic.

I am being proven wrong. Most Germans are kind and do go out of their way to help me and other students here on the trip. Some people say blondes are dumb. When I was in high school a few blondes proved that stereotype incorrect. I guess I should not listen to other opinions. I don't care what people say about a movie; why should I listen to stereotypes about people? People are more important than movies.

I was expecting a similar schedule to that of Miami, stores being open until 11pm. It is not so here. People don't live to work here. In Berlin and in much of Europe people work to live. Family and quality of lifestyle are more important than money.

I was expecting people to take time eating slowly and it is pleasurable. At a sidewalk cafe watching people walk by enjoying a meal is a good way to pass the time by.

I expected transportation to be simple and it is. I was not expecting to go to museums, but when I see the selection I am very interested in viewing exhibits.

I was not expecting the hostel to be clean and hospitable. I was imagining worse conditions like: power loss, no hot water, insects, etc. I am very happy with my bedroom, bathroom and the whole place.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


I am in Berlin. I remember before the trip as the travel day was getting closer Miami felt smaller and Europe seemed bigger. I traveled with my parents, but they are sightseeing in the rest of the continent. I am practicing my German and remembering words.

The first day the other students arrived we went to have dinner and walked to the Brandenburg Gate. I saw the British Embassy, American Embassy, the hotel where Michael Jackson dangled the baby, Parliament, and the Holocaust Memorial. Til next time.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Welcome to Miami
Today is the first day of class. I am a Florida International University student. I am travelling with 22 students to Berlin. We are studying abroad methods in public relations, research, and advertising. Prof. Richards is helping us prepare blogs.